TODAY Show Highlights This Japanese Beauty Product in Tokyo Olympics!
Guess what?! The TODAY show featured one of my absolute favorite product lines in a live stream from the Tokyo Olympics… Makanai Beauty
I was blown away… orders came pouring in from women all over!
TODAY show journalist Kathryne McCann says...
The Tokyo Olympic Games are in full swing, and while the world is watching Japan for the games, our sights are set on their skincare. Whether you want to kick wrinkles to the curb, have younger-looking skin, or have heard about the amazing benefits of using rice water, it might be time to try out some Japanese beauty products. Plus, when it comes to hydrating your skin, Japanese skincare takes the gold medal.
Author, chef, and wellness expert Candice Kumai joined Hoda & Jenna to share nine must-have Japanese skincare products - and four of them are from Makanai Beauty.
Skin Jewel Oil Serum
Golddays 24k Gold Perfector Sheets
I’m so excited to share these incredible products with you!
My skin loves them - I bet yours will too!
To your beautiful skin,
Susie Kuse is Passionate About Great Skin and Co-Founder of Indie Beauty Market. She has been in the spa and beauty industry since 2002. She loves to help people understand that a little daily self-care goes a long way toward great skin, health, beauty and happiness. And it’s important to keep your products safe, effective, healthy, clean, sustainable and ethical.